Konferensi Internasional
Perpustakaan Perguruan Tinggi Indonesia


The 3rd Indonesian Academic Library International Conference

Policies, Libraries & Artificial Intellegence: Managing Digital Technology to Enhance Higher Education Quality

Batam, 5-8 November 2024

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Welcome to the Academic Library and Librarian Profession 2024

The 1st Indonesian Academic Library International Conference (KPPTI) which was held offline and a collaboration between the Central FPPTI (Indonesian Academic Library Forum), FPPTI Central Java and Soegijapranta Catholic University. The theme of the 2st KPPTI in 2023 is: Upscaling Academic Library Resources As a Strategy to Navigate The Post-Pandemic Era, Digital Transformation and Society 5.0 in The Interconnected World. This theme is essential in encouraging an increase in university library resources in the face of the post-pandemic era, digital transformation, and society 5.0.


Tuesday-Friday, 5 - 8 November, 2024








Registrasi Peserta KPPTI 3 & Konferensi Pers


Tari Penyambutan Tamu


Menyanyikan Lagu

• Indonesia Raya
• Mars Perpustakaan Nasional RI
• Mars ITEBA
• Mars FPPTI

Pembacaan Do’a


Laporan Ketua Panitia KPPTI 3

Dwi Cahyo Prasetyo, S.IP., M.A

Sambutan Ketua Umum FPPTI

Mariyah, S.Sos., M.Hum

Sambutan Rektor ITEBA

Rektor ITEBA

Sambutan Direktur BTP

Direktur BTP

Sambutan & Pembukaan Gubernur Kepulauan Riau

H.Ansyar Ahmad,S.E,MM.(*)

Seminar Nasional

Presentasi Mitra

Tim Mitra

Keynote Speech 1: Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset dan Teknologi, Kemendikbudristek RI

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Abdul Haris, M.Sc.(*)

Keynote Speech 2: Plt. Kepala Perpustakaan Nasional RI

Prof. E. Aminudin Aziz, M.A., Ph.D.(*)

Presentasi Mitra

Tim Mitra

Coffee Break


Penandatanganan MoU dan PKS

Penandatanganan MoU & PKS
- Plt. Kepala Perpustakaan Nasional RI
- Ketua Umum FPPTI
- Para Rektor

Dr. Purwani Istiana, SIP., M.A.

Makan Malam, dan Sholat


Call for Paper (2 Room - Paralel)

Presentasi Call for paper & Mitra

Santi Delliana

Presentasi Call for paper & Mitra

Santi Delliana






International Seminar (Ballroom)

Invited Speaker 1 (Curtin University Perth Western Australia)

Invited Speaker 2 (University of Indonesia)

Dr. Gaby Haddow

Muhammad Prabu Wibowo, S.Hum., M.Sc., Ph.D

Presentasi Mitra

Tim Mitra



Invited Speaker 3 (University of Malaya)

Invited Speaker 4 (Universiti Brunei Darussalam)

Dr. Moh. Faizal Hamzah
Ahmad Safwan Hj. Jalil

Presentasi Mitra

Tim Mitra

Coffee Break


International Workshop (Ballroom)

- Utilisation AI in Scientific Writing
- Presentasi Mitra

Suwondo, S.Hum, M.Kom (Universitas Diponegoro)

Makan Malam, dan Sholat


- • Librarian as Research Partners: Research Data Management in Higher Education
- Presentasi Mitra

Sony Pawoko, S.Sos., M.T.I. (Universitas Indonesia)






Persiapan Learning Best Practices & Cultural Literacy di Singapura

Panitia Lokal / EO

Naik Kapal dari Batam menuju Singapura

Panitia Lokal / EO

Pemeriksaan Paspor di Imigrasi

Panitia Lokal / EO

Menuju Perpustakaan Temasek Polytechnic of Singapore / National University of Singapore (NUS)

Panitia Lokal / EO

Learning Best Practices and Networking di Temasek Polytechnic of Singapore

Panitia Lokal / EO

Menuju Perpustakaan Nanyang Technological University / Singapure Management University (SMU)

Panitia Lokal / EO

Learning Best Practices and Networking di Nanyang Technological University / Singapure Management University (SMU)

Panitia Lokal / EO


Panitia Lokal / EO

Cultural Literacy of Singapore

Panitia Lokal / EO

Kembali ke Batam

Panitia Lokal / EO

Istirahat dan Acara Bebas

Panitia Lokal / EO




Learning Best Practices & Cultural Literacy ke Nongsa Digital Park - Batam

Panitia Lokal

Penutupan KPPTI ke-3

Ketua FPPTI Wilayah Kepulauan Riau

Check Out

Peserta kembali ke kota masing-masing

Opening Remark

Ansar Ahmad, S.E., M.M

Governor Riau Island

Welcoming Speech

Mariyah, M.Hum

Chairman of the Indonesian Academic Library Forum

Keynote Speakers

International Conference - Day 1

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Abdul Haris, M.Sc. (*)

Dirjen DIKTI – Kemendikbudristek RI.

Prof. E. Aminudin Aziz., Ph.D.(*)

Plt. Kepala Perpustakaan Nasional RI.


International Seminar

Dr. Gaby Haddow

Curtin University Perth Western Australia

M. Prabu Wibowo, S.Hum., M.Sc., Ph.D

University of Indonesia

Dr. Mohd. Faizal Hamzah

University of Malaya

Ahmad Safwan Hj Jalil

Universiti Brunei Darussalam


Safirotu Khoir, Ph.D


International Workshop

Suwondo, S.Hum., M.Kom

University of Diponegoro

Sony Pawoko, S.Sos., M.T.I.

University of Indonesia

Registration Fee


About Batam


Pacific Palace Hotel Batam
Jl. Duyung, Sei Jodoh, Batam.

Pacific Palace Hotel is a hotel in a good location, precisely in Batu Ampar. The hotel’s location is very strategic because it is only 13.45 km from Hang Nadim International Airport (BTH). In addition to its strategic location, Pacific Palace Hotel is also a hotel near Ria Bintan Golf Club within 45.79 km and Pasar Oleh Oleh within 41.8 km.

Pacific Palace Hotel Batam

About Pacific Palace Hotel

If you have an event agenda that requires a large room, then Pacific Palace Hotel is the right choice. This hotel has a spacious meeting room and is equipped with various supporting facilities. This hotel is the right choice for you and your partner who want to enjoy a romantic vacation. Get a memorable experience with your partner by staying at Pacific Palace Hotel.

Do you like shopping? Don’t hesitate to stay at Pacific Palace Hotel. The strategic location and proximity to various shopping places will really pamper you when staying at this hotel.

Spa services are the number one facility in this hotel. Spend your time relaxing and pampering yourself.

Pacific Palace Hotel has all the business support facilities for you and your colleagues.

Pacific Palace Hotel is the perfect place to stay for those of you who are on vacation with your family. Enjoy all the entertainment facilities for you and your family.

If you are planning to stay for a long period of time, Pacific Palace Hotel is the right choice. The various facilities available and the good quality of service will make you feel at home.

Enjoying a trip alone is a fun thing. For a stay, Pacific Palace Hotel is the right choice for those of you who need some alone time after being satisfied with going around the city.

Your stay will be unforgettable thanks to the excellent service accompanied by various supporting facilities for your comfort.

The fitness center is one of the facilities that you must try when staying at this place.

The receptionist is ready 24 hours to serve the check-in, check-out process and your other needs. Do not hesitate to contact the receptionist, we are ready to serve you.

There is a restaurant serving delicious Pacific Palace Hotel menu especially for you.

WiFi is available in all public areas of the property to help you stay connected with family and friends.

Pacific Palace Hotel is an accommodation with good facilities and satisfactory service quality according to most guests.

You will get an impressive and unforgettable experience during your stay at Pacific Palace Hotel.




Secretariat KPPTI

Link Registration :

Iskandar Bajang: 
+62 853-9520-1621